I'm an ACA. This may be news to some but I found this out on September 11, 2009 when my dear friend, D, gave me a copy of The ACA Big Red Book. I'm knew that I was an adult child who was raised by alcoholic parents, I just didn't know that there was a name for it nor that there was a recovery program I needed to be in. I did not know about the Laundry List traits
The Laundry List: The Acoa (Adult Children of Alcoholics Experience)
but when I read them, I knew I needed help to overcome them.
There are 14-traits of ACA's and sadly I identified with every single one of them and depending on the kind of day I'm having, I can fall back into some that I thought I had a handle on. When I first read them I was blown away by how many of theme resonated with me. I kept saying "that's me!" I restated Tony A.'s list to personalize them.
In my next post, I will begin discussion of them and how I'm managing them right now.