I'm an ACA. This may be news to some but I found this out on September 11, 2009 when my dear friend, D, gave me a copy of The ACA Big Red Book. I'm knew that I was an adult child who was raised by alcoholic parents, I just didn't know that there was a name for it nor that there was a recovery program I needed to be in. I did not know about the Laundry List traits
The Laundry List: The Acoa (Adult Children of Alcoholics Experience)
but when I read them, I knew I needed help to overcome them.
There are 14-traits of ACA's and sadly I identified with every single one of them and depending on the kind of day I'm having, I can fall back into some that I thought I had a handle on. When I first read them I was blown away by how many of theme resonated with me. I kept saying "that's me!" I restated Tony A.'s list to personalize them.
In my next post, I will begin discussion of them and how I'm managing them right now.
Love you my dear sister and friend. So glad we walk together on our journey. Our journey is one of progress not perfection. Today we get to say who we are instead of others saying who we are not. With help from our HP, maintaining and enforcing our boundaries, our support system, and practicing self-love, we DO recover!